
Shenzhen Shengdayu Automatic Control Equipment Co., Ltd.

深圳马达维修,伺服电机维修,伺服马达维修,维修电机,维修马达,ABB马达维修 Service Hotline:
Industry News
Source:Shengda Yu Published:2020-06-17 Clicks:7030

Servo motor maintenance is a new technical service industry. In recent years, servo motor is more and more widely used, the usage of Chinese mainland market increases sharply, and the demand of servo motor maintenance is becoming more and more urgent. As most of the servo motors used in China are imported products with high technical content, foreign servo motor manufacturers adopt non-standard encoders or non-standard installation methods in order to monopolize the maintenance service market, which makes the maintenance of servo motors more difficult, and the maintenance of servo motors is an outstanding technical skill.
